Basic Policy on Anti-Social Forces Page

Basic Policy on Anti-Social Forces

Basic Policy on Anti-Social Forces


Technoglobal Inc. (the "Company"), with respect to anti-social forces, will
respond quickly on the basis of (1) to (5) below.

(1) Response as an organization

Measures against unreasonable requests etc. from anti-social forces should not be
left to be dealt with only by personnel or departments, but should include the company as a whole
In addition, measures should ensure the safety of the officers and employees that receive the
unreasonable demands etc. from anti-social forces.

(2) Cooperation with external specialized agencies

In preparation for unreasonable demands etc. from anti-social forces, under normal
circumstances we work to build cooperative relationships with outside specialized agencies such as
the police, National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, Lawyers, etc. so that if
unreasonable requests etc. are received, the necessary cooperation will be available.

(3) Severing of all relationships, including trading relationships

With regard to anti-social forces, we will endeavor so as not to have any
relationships, including trading or business relationships.
In addition, we reject all unreasonable request etc. from anti-social forces.

(4) Civil and criminal legal support in case of emergency

We will access both civil and criminal legal support against unreasonable requests
etc. from anti-social forces.

(5) Prohibition of backroom deals and funding

Even in the case of unreasonable demands etc. from anti-social forces on the
grounds of misconduct, there will be absolutely no backroom transactions to cover-up.
In addition, any form of funding to anti-social forces, rebates, profit plus, or dispatch of human
resources are strictly forbidden.

Organizational Protocols

The Company, in order to sever relationships with anti-social forces, will maintain
the following stance.

(1) Development of in-house preparations (reporting and consultation systems,

(2) Implementation of training activities.

(3) Development of a response manual.

(4) Collaboration with police and other external organizations, etc.


For inquiries regarding the basic policy of our company toward anti-social forces,
please contact us.

Technoglobal Inc.
Kabutocho Daiichi Heiwa Bld. 3F,
5-1 Kabuto-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 103-0026